Characteristics of Urine from People with Kidney Problems, Know Before It's Too Late!

Characteristics of Urine from People with Kidney Problems, Know Before It's Too Late! 
Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/bluecinema

 - The kidneys are an important organ whose function is to filter impurities from the blood and excrete them in the form of urine. Therefore, one of the signs of kidney problems can be seen from the condition of the urine. 

Nephrology specialist Dr. Pringgodo Nugroho, SpPD KGH said kidney problems can change the color of urine. If a person experiences kidney failure, these organs will retain fluid and waste so that they accumulate in the body. Changes in urine color must be paid attention to because kidney disease often has no symptoms. 
"One of the symptoms to pay attention to is urine, is there a change in the urine. Firstly, if the urine contains a lot of poison, there is usually protein in the urine that should not be there," said Dr Pringgo at a media meeting in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (13/ 3/2024). 


The second is a change in urine color. In patients who experience kidney inflammation, urine will change color to reddish, indicating the presence of red blood cells in the excretion results. 

If you experience the following signs, to confirm that kidney problems must be detected through a urine test in the laboratory. The laboratory will also check whether there are erythrocytes and leukocytes in the urine that can be eliminated by properly functioning kidneys. 
"Sometimes urine and feces are often ignored, even though they indicate there is a problem with the organs," he added. 
Quoted from the Indonesian Ministry of Health's website, here are the signs of kidney problems to watch out for:

High blood pressure

Changes in the frequency and amount of urination in a day

The presence of blood in the urine

Weakness and difficulty sleeping

Loss of appetite


Can't concentrate



Nausea and vomiting

Swelling, especially in the feet and ankles and in the eyelids in the morning

Ciri-ciri Air Kencing Orang yang Ginjalnya Bermasalah, Kenali Sebelum Telat!
Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto/bluecinema

Ginjal merupakan organ penting yang berfungsi menyaring kotoran dari darah dan membuangnya dalam bentuk urine. Maka dari itu salah satu ciri-ciri ginjal bermasalah bisa terlihat dari kondisi urine.

Spesialis nefrologi dr Pringgodo Nugroho, SpPD KGH mengatakan masalah ginjal bisa membuat warna urine berubah. Jika seseorang mengalami gagal ginjal, organ tersebut akan menahan cairan dan limbah sehingga menumpuk di tubuh. Perubahan warna urine harus diperhatikan sebab seringkali penyakit ginjal tidak bergejala.
"Salah satu gejala yang diperhatikan itu urine ya, apakah ada peubahan di urine. Pertama kalau urine berbisa banyak, itu biasanya ada protein di urine yang seharusnya tidak ada," kata dr Pringgo dalam temu media di Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (13/3/2024).


Kedua yakni perubahan warna urine. Pada pasien yang mengalami peradangan ginjal, urine akan berubah warna menjadi kemerahan yang menandakan adanya sel darah merah di hasil eksresinya.

Jika mengalami tanda-tanda berikut, untuk memastikan gangguan ginjal memang harus dideteksi melalaui uji urine di laboratorium. Di laboratorium juga akan diperiksa apakah ada eritrosit dan leukosit dalam urine yang dapat dihilangkan oleh ginjal yang berfungsi dengan baik.
"Kadang-kadang urine, feses, suka nggak diperhatikan padahal itu menunjukkan ada masalah di organ," tambahnya.
Dikutip dari laman Kemenkes RI, berikut ciri-ciri ginjal bermasalah yang harus diwaspadai:

Tekanan darah tinggi

Perubahan frekuensi dan jumlah buang air kecil dalam sehari

Adanya darah dalam urine

Lemah serta sulit tidur

Kehilangan nafsu makan

Sakit kepala

Tidak dapat berkonsentrasi



Mual dan muntah

Bengkak, terutama pada kaki dan pergelangan kaki serta pada kelopak mata waktu pagi hari

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