Alice Norin Experiences a Miracle After Successfully Undergoing Laparoscopy Surgery

Alice Norin Experiences a Miracle After Successfully Undergoing Laparoscopy Surgery
 – Latest celebrity news: Alice Norrin has just undergone laparoscopic surgery to treat sarcoma cancer. 

During this time, Alice Norin struggled with sarcoma cancer until she surrendered when her uterus had to be removed. 

However, Alice Norin finally chose laparoscopy surgery and it was successful, according to her, she felt like she had received a miracle. 
"It felt like I was given a miracle and a second chance at life," said Alice Norin. 

His experience of undergoing laparoscopy surgery was shared on his personal Instagram some time ago. 
In the uploaded video, Alice Norin leaves for Singapore for treatment on February 6, 2024. 

This beautiful artist is scheduled to have surgery for sarcoma cancer on February 7 2024. 
He also expressed his feelings when he had to face the surgery. 

"Honestly, I'm starting to get nervous again because the day of the operation is getting closer and we're starting to think again about whether it's possible to operate using just a small incision method. 

so that recovery can be faster. "Especially I think it would be a shame for the children if, for example, I had to have a very long down time," said Alice Norin, as reported on Thursday (22/2/2024). 

On the day of the surgery, Alice began negotiating with the doctor to change it to a minor surgery. 
"We arrived at Dr. Tay's clinic and we immediately asked him, 'Is it possible for us to change the surgical method to laparoscopy?'," he said. 

He continued that he finally had a laparoscopy operation. 
"He said, 'You can see the scan, but there is still a risk, I'm afraid it will spread. But we will do our best for you' and finally we took the courage and decided to choose to do a laparoscopy operation," he said. 

Before carrying out the surgery, he also had the opportunity to make a video call with his children. 

"It's time to go into the operating room while I fill my time on video calls with my vitamin booster children! 
"Just being away for a day, I feel like I miss him so much, it always makes me happy and laughs," he said. 
Alice Norin also underwent surgery for 2.5 hours under general anesthesia. 
The next day, he received good news from the doctor who treated him that the surgery went smoothly without spreading. 

This means Alice doesn't need to have her uterus removed. 
Announces Suffering from Rare Cancer
Alice Norin suffers from a rare cancer that means she can no longer have children. 
Actress Alice Norin recently shared unpleasant news about her health. 
In her latest upload on Instagram, Alice Norin admitted that she suffers from sarcoma cancer, which is a rare disease. 

"I was diagnosed with sarcoma cancer, which is a rare cancer that develops in the uterine muscle," said Alice Norin, Friday (16/2/2024). 
In recent months, Alice Norin had a series of check-ups with the doctor. 
According to the doctor's explanation, Alice Norin had to undergo surgery by Midline Laparotomy. 

"It's sarcoma cancer and requires immediate operation by midline laparotomy, aka cutting from top to bottom," explained Alice Norin. 

"Because after the myoma is biopsied, if it is malignant, all the reproductive organs and the two rear glands must be removed to stop the possibility of the cancer spreading," he continued. 

In this way, Alice Norin's womb had to be removed and she would not be able to have any more children. 
Of course, knowing this news made this Norwegian woman sad, as did her husband. 

"It means I will go into early menopause and definitely won't be able to have any more children," said Alice Norin. 

The illness he suffered began in August 2023, at first he felt pain. 
Then on December 16 2023, Alice Norin felt more severe pain again until she finally decided to have the surgery. 
This post was immediately flooded with support from netizens and fellow artists. 

Several artists who encouraged him included Luna Maya, Titi Kamal, Ussy Pratama, Shiren Sungkar, and many more. 

"Alice remains enthusiastic, keep fighting. Hopefully Allah will lift her illness, keep up the spirit, dear," wrote Titi Kamal. 
"Dear Alice, cheer up, I pray for your recovery, Bismilla," wrote Ussy Pratama. 

Alice Norin Rasakan Mukjizat Setelah Berhasil Jalani Operasi Laparoscopy
 – Berita seleb terkini Alice Norin baru saja jalani operasi laparoscopy dalam pengobatan kanker sarkoma.

Selama ini Alice Norin memang berjuang melawan kanker sarkoma yang diidapnya hingga pasrah saat rahimnya harus diangkat.
Namun Alice Norin akhirnya pilih operasi laparoscopy dan berhasil hingga menurutnya merasa terima mukjizat. 
"Rasanya seperti diberi mukjizat dan kesempatan kedua dalam hidup," ujar Alice Norin.

Pengalamannya jalani operasi laparoscopy dibagikan melalui Instagram pribadinya beberapa waktu lalu.
Dalam video yang diunggah, Alice Norin berangkat menuju Singapura untuk pengobatan pada 6 Februari 2024.
Artis cantik ini dijadwalkan melakukan operasi kanker sarkoma pada 7 Februari 2024.
Ia pun mengungkapkan perasaannya saat harus menghadapi operasi.

"Jujur mulai deg-degan lagi karena hari operasi semakin dekat dan kita mulai berfikir ulang kira-kira mungkin gak ya kalau operasinya dengan metode sayatan kecil aja
supaya recovery bisa lebih cepat. Terutama aku tuh mikir kasian banget anak-anak kalau misalnya aku harus down timenya lama banget," ungkap Alice Norin, dilansir Kamis (22/2/2024).

Saat di hari operasi, Alice pun mulai bernegosiasi dengan dokter untuk mengubah menjadi operasi kecil.
"Sampailah di klinik Dr. Tay dan kita langsung menanyakan ke beliau ‘apakah mungkin dok kita ubah metode operasinya ke laparoscopy?’,” ceritanya.

Ia melanjutkan jika akhirnya melakukan operasi laparoscopy.
“Beliau bilang ‘melihat scan kamu bisa-bisa aja, tapi tetap ada resiko ya, takut ada penyebaran. But we will do our best for you’ dan akhirnya kita memberanikan diri dengan mantap untuk memilih melakukan operasi laparoscopy," ucapnya.

Sebelum melakukan operasi, ia pun berkesempatan untuk melakukan video call dengan anak-anaknya.
"Waktunya harus masuk ke ruang operasi sambil ngisi waktu aku video call juga dengan anak-anak my vitamin booster!

Baru ditinggal sehari aja rasanya udah kangen banget selalu bikin aku happy dan ketawa," katanya.
Alice Norin pun menjalani operasi selama 2,5 jam di bawah total bius.
Keesokan harinya, ia mendapatkan kabar baik dari dokter yang menanganinya jika operasi berjalan lancar tanpa penyebaran.
Hal ini membuat Alice tak perlu mengangkat rahimnya.

Umumkan Idap Kanker Langka
Alice Norin mengidap kanker langka dan berujung membuatnya tak bisa lagi punya anak. 
Aktris Alice Norin belum lama ini membagikan kabar tak mengenakkan soal kesehatannya.
Dalam unggahan terbarunya di Istagram, Alice Norin mengaku dirinya mengidap kanker sarkoma yang merupakan penyakit langka. 

"Aku divonis kanker sarkoma yaitu kanker langka yang berkembang di otot rahim," ujar Alice Norin, Jumat (16/2/2024).
Beberapa bulan belakangan ini, Alice Norin melakukan serangkaian pemeriksaan ke dokter.

Menurut pemaparan dokter, Alice Norin  harus melakukan operasi dengan cara Midline Laparotomy.
"Kanker sarkoma dan harus segera operasi dengan cara Midline Laparotomy alias dibelek dari atas ke bawah," jelas Alice Norin.

"Karena setelah miomnya dibiopsi jika ganas semua organ reproduksi dan dua kelenjar belakang itu harus dikeluarkan untuk stop adanya kemungkinan kankernya menyebar," lanjutnya.

Dengan begitu rahim Alice Norin harus diangkat dan tidak akan bisa memiliki anak lagi.

Tentunya mengetahui kabar tersebut membuat wanita berdarah Norwegia ini sedih, begitupun sang suami.

"Artinya aku akan menopause dini dan sudah pasti tidak bisa punya anak lagi," ujar Alice Norin.
Adapun penyakit yang dideritanya ini bermula pada Agustus 2023, awalnya ia merasakan nyeri.

Kemudian 16 Desember 2023 tersebut, Alice Norin kembali merasakan nyeri yang lebih parah hingga akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk melakukan operasi tersebut.

Postingan tersebut pun langsung dibanjiri dukungan dari warganet hingga rekan artis.

Beberapa artis yang memberikan semangat kepadanya di antaranya Luna Maya, Titi Kamal, Ussy Pratama, Shiren Sungkar, dan masih banyak lagi.
"Alice tetap semangat, fight terus ya. Semoga diangkat Allah penyakitnya, semangat sayang," tulis Titi Kamal.
"Alice sayang semangat, aku berdoa untuk kesembuhan kamu, bismilla," tulis Ussy Pratama.

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