16 Indonesian Doctors Graduated Overseas Serving in Indonesia
As many as 16 doctors who are Indonesian citizens from the Adaptation Program Specialists for Foreign Graduates serve in various regions in Indonesia until mid-2023.
Director General of Health Workers Ariyanti Anaya said, "All doctors who have had competency evaluation carried out by the joint committee and have been declared competent have been provided with training and placed in health service facilities according to national needs planning.
With this success, his party would like to thank and at the same time give appreciation for this good achievement. According to him, there are many factors that influence the success of this program, one of which is the high participation of specialist doctors working abroad to return to their homeland, to devote themselves and their knowledge to the nation and state.
“100 percent achieved in the first and second quarters is truly extraordinary. We are certainly very happy and proud and hope that in the future it can continue to be improved," said Director General Ariyanti, Monday (31/7) in Jakarta.
Director General Arianti continued, there were 16 doctors participating in the appreciation consisting of 3 Orthopedic Traumatology doctors, 3 internal medicine doctors, 4 Obstetric Gynecology doctors, 1 ophthalmologist, 4 Dermatology and Venereology doctors, and 1 pediatrician. All of them have been placed in 16 hospitals across Indonesia.
"All of them have received placements, so that doctors can provide specialist services needed by people in the regions," he hoped.
As for the health service facilities that are the placement of specialist doctors, namely Prof Dr. R.D Kandou, North Sulawesi Province; North Aceh Cut Meutia Hospital and dr. Fauziyah Bireun Aceh, Aceh Province; Palmatak Anambas Hospital, Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam Hospital, Lampung Province; Kubu Anyar Hospital, West Kalimantan Province; Otanaha Gorontalo General Hospital; Dolopo Madiun Hospital; RSUD Dr H. Pane group, North Sumatra; Muyang Kute Redelong Hospital, Aceh; Noongan Minahasa Hospital; Bendan Pekalongan Hospital; Batara Guru Lawu Hospital; Sawerigading Palopo Hospital; Jaraga Sasameh South Barito Hospital; and Banten Serang General Hospital.
The Adaptation Program for Specialists Indonesian Citizens Foreign Graduates is one of the health workforce transformation programs that contains activities to adjust the competencies and abilities of Specialists Indonesian Citizens Foreign Graduates (WNI LLN) which are carried out at facilitieshealth services in Indonesia.
This program is part of the Health HR transformation which aims to overcome the shortage of specialist doctors in Indonesia, especially in areas that still have difficulty accessing health services.
The Adaptation Program consists of three phases, namely pre-adaptation, adaptation and post-adaptation.
The pre-adaptation phase is the stage of registration and submission of adaptation. This stage includes document verification, pre-adaptation competency assessment and debriefing. Followed by the issuance of certificates which include adaptation competence certificates and Adaptation STRs.
The adaptation phase is the placement stage for specialist doctors. At this stage the doctors are assigned to Central Government Hospitals, Regional Governments & other hospitals determined by the Minister of Health with an assignment duration of 2 years.
In the post-adaptation phase, when the assignment has ended, the specialist doctor will receive a competency certificate and the Specialist Doctor's STR.
This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communication and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact Halo Ministry of Health via hotline number 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669.
Head of Communication and Public Service Bureau
dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M. Epid
16 Dokter Warga Negara Indonesia Lulusan Luar Negeri Mengabdi di Indonesia
Sebanyak 16 dokter Warga Negara Indonesia Program Adaptasi Dokter Spesialis Lulusan Luar Negeri mengabdi di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia sampai pertengahan tahun 2023.
Direktur Jenderal Tenaga Kesehatan Ariyanti Anaya mengatakan, Seluruh dokter yg telah dilakukan evaluasi kompetensi oleh komite bersama dan dinyatakan kompeten telah diberikan pembekalan dan ditempatkan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan sesuai perencanaan kebutuhan nasional.
Dengan keberhasilan ini, pihaknya mengucapkan terima kasih sekaligus memberikan apresiasi atas pencapaian baik ini. Menurutnya ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program ini, salah satunya partisipasi yang tinggi dari dokter spesialis yang bekerja di luar negeri untuk kembali ke tanah air, mengabdikan diri dan ilmunya kepada bangsa dan negara.
“100 persen tercapai pada triwulan pertama dan kedua itu sungguh luar biasa. Kami tentu sangat senang dan bangga serta berharap agar kedepannya bisa terus ditingkatkan,” kata Dirjen Ariyanti, Senin (31/7) di Jakarta.
Dirjen Arianti melanjutkan, dokter peserta apresiasi berjumlah 16 orang terdiri dari 3 dokter Orthopedi Traumatologi, 3 dokter penyakit dalam, 4 dokter Obstetri Ginekologi, 1 dokter mata, 4 dokter Dermatologi dan Venereologi, dan 1 dokter anak. Seluruhnya telah ditempatkan di 16 RSUD yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.
“Semuanya sudah dapat penempatan, sehingga para dokter bisa memberikan pelayanan spesialis yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat di daerah,” harapnya.
Adapun fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang menjadi penempatan dokter spesialis yaitu RSUP Prof Dr. R.D Kandou, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara; RSUD Cut Meutia Aceh Utara dan RSUD dr. Fauziyah Bireun Aceh, Prov Aceh; RSUD Palmatak Anambas, RSUD Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Prov Lampung; RSUD Kubu Anyar, Prov Kalbar; RSUD Otanaha Gorontalo; RSUD Dolopo Madiun; RSUD dr H. kimpulan Pane, Sumut; RSUD Muyang Kute Redelong, Aceh; RSUD Noongan Minahasa; RSUD Bendan Pekalongan; RSUD Batara Guru Lawu; RSUD Sawerigading Palopo; RSUD Jaraga Sasameh Barito Selatan; dan RSUD Banten Serang.
Program Adaptasi Dokter Spesialis Warga Negara Indonesia Lulusan Luar Negeri merupakan salah satu program transformasi tenaga kesehatan yang berisi kegiatan penyesuaian kompetensi dan kemampuan Dokter Spesialis Warga Negara Indonesia Lulusan Luar Negeri (WNI LLN) yang dilaksanakan pada fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia.
Program ini merupakan bagian dari transformasi SDM Kesehatan yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi kekurangan dokter spesialis di Indonesia khususnya di daerah-daerah yang masih kesulitan mengakses pelayanan kesehatan.
Program Adaptasi terdiri atas tiga fase yakni pra adaptasi, adaptasi dan pasca adaptasi.
Fase pra adaptasi merupakan tahap pendaftaran dan pengajuan adaptasi. Tahap ini mencakup verifikasi dokumen, penilaian kompetensi pra adaptasi dan pembekalan. Dilanjutkan dengan penerbitan sertifikat yang mencakup sertifikat kompetensi adaptasi serta STR Adaptasi.
Fase adaptasi, adalah tahap penempatan dokter spesialis. Pada tahap ini para dokter ditugaskan ke RS Pemerintah Pusat, Pemda & RS lain yg ditetapkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan dengan durasi penugasan selama 2 tahun.
Fase pasca adaptasi, bila penugasan telah berakhir maka dokter spesialis akan mendapatkan sertifikat kompetensi serta STR Dokter Spesialis.
Berita ini disiarkan oleh Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Halo Kemenkes melalui nomor hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, faksimili (021) 5223002, 52921669.
Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Publik
dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M.Epid