How come you've been sterilized and you're still pregnant?
A 37 year old pregnant woman. Come check with confusion. Late menstruation and positive pack test. As far as the patient recalls, he and his husband had signed a sterile consent.
Even though previously he had been sterile during the third cesarean section (SC) 4 years ago.
It turned out that there was a problem with the pregnancy so that the fetus died early so it was necessary to do another SC.
At the time of surgery it appears that both tubes are still in perfect shape. There are no visible cut marks.
So sterile failure can be caused
1. The tube is only tied and then released, 2. When cutting the tube is not completely cut,
3. The error in sterilization was not the tube that was cut but the round ligament, or 4. The doctor forgot to perform the sterile procedure and there was no notification of the procedure being carried out sterile during surgery or surgery to the patient and family.
Are the fallopian tubes a channel on the side of the uterus whose ends are called fimbriae which are shaped like fingers that catch the eggs that come out of the ovaries / ovaries during the fertile period (see picture).
So if you want to do sterile, don't forget to tell the doctor's team before the SC procedure. To remind. Sometimes it can forget because of the many operations..
#sterile #tubectomy
Kok bisa sudah di steril masih hamil ?
Seorang ibu hamil berusia 37 tahu. Datang periksa dengan kebingungan. Terlambat haid dan tes pack positif. Seingat pasien ia dan suami sudah tanda tangan persetujuan steril.
Padahal sebelumnya sudah di steril saat operasi sesar (SC) yang ketiga kali sebelumnya 4 tahun lalu.
Ternyata terdapat masalah pada kehamilannya sehingga janin meninggal lebih dini sehingga perlu dilakukan SC kembali.
Pada saat operasi tampak kedua tuba masih dalam bentuk yang sempurna. Tidak ada tampak bekas potongan.
Jadi kegagalan steril dapat disebabkan
1. Tuba hanya diikat lalu lepas, 2. Saat memotong tuba tidak terpotong sempurna,
3. Kesalahan dalam steril bukan tuba yang dipotong tapi ligamen rotundum, atau 4. dokternya lupa melakukan tindakan steril dan tidak ada pemberitahuan proses dilakukan steril saat operasi atau operasi kepada pasien dan keluarga.
Apakah tuba falopii merupakan saluran di sisi rahim yang ujungnya dinamakan fimbria berbentuk mirip jari yang menangkap sel telur yang keluar dari ovarium/indung telur saat masa subur (lihat gambar).
Jadi jika bunda ingin dilakukan steril jangan lupa beritahu tim dokter sebelum tindakan SC. Untuk mengingatkan ulang. Kadang bisa lupa karena banyaknya operasi..
#steril #tubektomi