Covid-19 Cases Increase Again, Jokowi: Those Who Have Not, Immediate "Booster" Vaccination
President Joko Widodo reminded the public to immediately carry out vaccinations or booster vaccinations in response to the increase in Covid-19 cases in the last few days.
"The most important thing is one, vaccination is important, boosters are important. So those who haven't yet have boosters," Jokowi said after inaugurating the Millennial Housing for Indonesia in Depok, Thursday (13/4/2023).
Jokowi said the results of a serosurvey indeed showed that the immunity level of Indonesian citizens had reached 98.5 percent and was classified as high.
However, he reminded the public to be careful by getting vaccinated to protect them from Covid-19.
The former Governor of DKI Jakarta also admitted that there had been an increase in Covid-19 cases in the last few days.
However, Jokowi claims that the pandemic situation in the country is still under control because the increase in Covid-19 cases is still below the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).
"Indeed there has been an increase, but cities are still far below WHO standards. WHO standards are approximately 8,000 and we are at 600-900. I think we are still well managed," Jokowi said.
Covid-19 cases in Indonesia have soared in the last two days.
On Monday (10/4/2023), the government recorded an additional 494 cases of Covid-19 in a day.
However, on Tuesday (11/4/2023), the addition had almost doubled to 944 cases per day.
This figure rose again on Wednesday (12/4/2023) to 987 cases in one day.
Kasus Covid-19 Naik Lagi, Jokowi: Yang Belum, Segera Vaksinasi "Booster"
Presiden Joko Widodo mengingatkan masyarakat untuk segera melakukan vaksinasi ataupun vaksinasi booster dalam merespons kenaikan kasus Covid-19 dalam beberapa hari terakhir.
"Yang paling penting, satu, vaksinasi itu penting, booster itu penting. Jadi yang belum itu segera booster," kata Jokowi seusai meresmikan Hunian Milenial untuk Indonesia di Depok, Kamis (13/4/2023).
Jokowi mengatakan, hasil serosurvei memang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat imunitas warga Indonesia sudah mencapai 98,5 persen dan tergolong tinggi.
Namun, ia mengingatkan agar publik tetap berhati-hati dengan mengikuti vaksinasi agar terlindungi dari Covid-19.
Mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu pun mengakui bahwa ada kenaikan kasus Covid-19 dalam beberapa hari terakhir.
Namun, Jokowi mengeklaim bahwa situasi pandemi di Tanah Air masih terkendali karena kenaikan kasus Covid-19 masih berada di bawah standar Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO).
"Memang ada kenaikan, tetapi kota masih jauh di bawah standarnya WHO. Standarnya WHO kurang lebih 8.000 dan kita berada di angka 600-900. Saya kira kita masih terkelola terkendali dengan baik," kata Jokowi.
Kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia melonjak dalam dua hari terakhir.
Pada Senin (10/4/2023), pemerintah mencatat penambahan kasus Covid-19 sebanyak 494 dalam sehari.
Namun, pada Selasa (11/4/2023), penambahannya bertambah hampir dua kali lipat menjadi 944 kasus per hari.
Angka tersebut kembali naik pada Rabu (12/4/2023) menjadi 987 kasus dalam satu hari.
our midwife,midwife,healthy,
Covid-19 Cases Increase Again
Those Who Have Not