Have you had your baby yet?

Have you had your baby yet?🤔

This is probably the most common question that a pregnant woman is asked when she gets to her due date!, But did you know that only 5% of baby's are born on their estimated due date?
At least 1 in 3 women have their labours induced in the UK and in other countries this number is even higher.

The most common reason for being induced is going beyond the baby's due date, but did you know how this was calculated?
There are normally 2 ways that due dates are calculated:

1. Using a formula called Naegeles Rule which adds 7 days onto 9 months, which equals 280 days. Naegele was actually a German Professor who interpreted the work of a guy called Boerhaave who studied 100 women – yes just 100! (In some cultures they believe that women will give birth within 10 moon cycles – which is about 295 days, so 15 days more than Naegele’s formula).

2. Using ultrasound scans that measure the baby's head, abdomen and leg and from that they estimate the date that baby would be due!
So has nature got it so wrong that for over 2000 years women have used the cycles of the moon to estimate when their baby's will be born but in the last 100 years we have followed a formula developed by a man and now we end up forcing babies to come when they are clearly not ready.
Many baby's who are deemed to be over due actually are born covered in vernix - which is meant to be a sign that they were not quite ready!!

This baby is clearly wondering what is going on ðŸ˜‚.. 
Photo credit - Maple Hollow Photography

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