Not the Heart, This is the Number 1 Deadly Disease in the World

Not the Heart, This is the Number 1 Deadly Disease in the World
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Every year, 56 million people die worldwide. This means that every day thousands of men and women die. Although these numbers are frightening, such is life – many people die as a result of accidents and in addition due to disease. 

One of the leading causes of death over the years has been heart disease. This occurs when the heart no longer gets enough oxygen and nutrients because the arteries are blocked. Many people also die from strokes, lung diseases, respiratory tract infections, and so on. 

Recently, scientists examined mortality data and found that heart problems were no longer the main cause of shortening people's lives. More often, people die more quickly due to problems related to the nervous system. 

Diseases with the most serious consequences

According to research published in the medical journal The Lancet, problems related to the nervous system lead to a reduction in life expectancy more often than problems of the heart and blood vessels. 

The data shows that in 2021, approximately 3.4 billion people will face stroke, dementia, epilepsy and other neurological conditions. This figure is very large because it involves around 43% of the Earth's population. 

Deadly brain disease

In modern times, strokes are more frequent and more powerful shortening human life. Previously considered a heart disease, stroke is now recognized as an official brain disease. When a stroke occurs, the brain is deprived of oxygen because the arteries are blocked or ruptured. This causes brain cells to start dying, resulting in loss of speech, paralysis, and so on – all depending on the region of the brain affected. 

The second most common cause of reduced human life expectancy is neonatal encephalopathy. This condition appears immediately after the birth of the baby where the baby's brain does not get enough oxygen. Without proper action, babies can experience problems. 

Millions of people also lose their life expectancy due to dementia, which causes impaired thinking and memory due to damage to the brain. In diabetes, high blood sugar levels damage nerves throughout the body. Meningitis is also a serious and deadly problem of the nervous system because it is inflammation of the lining of the brain caused by infection. 

Nevrology is the main cause of decreased life expectancy. However, in terms of causes of death, heart and blood vessel disease still ranks first. According to research results, in 2021, 11 million people will die from strokes and other brain problems. More people died from ischemic disease and other heart problems – about 19.8 million people. 

Incurable disease

According to scientific studies, most neurological problems cannot be treated. For example, a person may survive after a stroke, but with a high probability of being unable to move or speak on their own – recovery occurs only with timely medical assistance. 

Nerve damage caused by diabetes is also difficult to treat. This problem is becoming more common as more people are diagnosed with diabetes. In 1980, 108 million people had a diagnosis of diabetes. 
In 2014, the number increased to 422 million. In 2021, the number of diabetes sufferers will increase to 529 million people. According to estimates, by 2050, 1.5 billion men and women will suffer from diabetes. 


Scientists once again remind that to maintain health, it is important for everyone to eat right and stay active. For example, they recommend consuming lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein so that the brain gets all the nutrients it needs. In addition, it is important to reduce the consumption of alcohol and other substances that negatively affect the nervous system. 

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