Curhatan Suami Ngeri Lihat Istri Melahirkan hingga Tewas, Sang Bayi Tak Selamat, Bidan Kena Imbasnya

Curhatan Suami Ngeri Lihat Istri Melahirkan hingga Tewas, Sang Bayi Tak Selamat, Bidan Kena Imbasnya

 Raut kesedihan terlihat jelas di wajah Tarsun saat menceritakan detik-detik sang istri dan anak pertamanya meninggal dunia.

Pria 30 tahun asal Kecamatan Kandanghaur, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat itu rupanya tak pernah menyangka akan ditinggal sang istri, Kartini (23) untuk selamanya.
Pasalnya, Tarsun justru meyakini kehidupannya akan kian bahagia usai kehadiran sang anak pertama yang sudah dikandung selama sembilan bulan oleh Kartini. Namun nahas, nasib buruk justru menimpa Kartini dan bayinya.

Baru beberapa menit melahirkan, Kartini dinyatakan meninggal dunia.

Pun dengan bayi yang dilahirkan Kartini, seketika wafat setelah dikeluarkan dari rahim sang ibu.
Atas kejadian tersebut, Tarsun pun gusar hingga menyalahkan pihak bidan yang menangani Kartini melahirkan di RSUD MA Sentot, Patrol pada Selasa (19/12/2023). Menurut Tarsun, istri dan anaknya bisa selama andai ditangani dengan benar.

Kronologi Kartini Melahirkan

Tak terima dengan kematian istri dan bayinya, Tarsun pun melaporkan RSUD MA Sentot atas kasus dugaan malpraktik.
Kepada awak media, Tarsun menceritakan detik-detik sang istri melahirkan.

Awalnya Tarsun membawa sang istri ke Puskesmas Kertawinangun guna melahirkan.
Namun dari pihak Puskesmas meminta agar Kartini dibawa ke RSUD MA Sentot Patrol.

Tanpa pikir panjang, Tarsun pun segera membawa Kartini ke rumah sakit tersebut. Setibanya di sana, Kartini tak langsung ditangani.

Bahkan selama 2 hingga 3 jam, Kartini diabaikan oleh petugas rumah sakit. "Sampai (rumah sakit) Sentot itu (Kartini) enggak ditangani. Sampai 2-3 jam baru ditangani sekitar pukul 20.00 Wib, itu juga sebentar," ungkap Tarsun dilansir dari Tribun Jabar, Kamis (21/12/2023).

Viral video suasana haru di ruang jenazah di RSUD MA Sentot Patrol Indramayu, Jawa Barat lantaran seorang ibu beserta bayinya meninggal dunia usai diduga menjadi korban malapraktik. (kolase Instagram)

Barulah sekira pukul 21.00 Wib Kartini diberikan penanganan.
Kala itu kondisi Kartini sudah kesakitan. Terkait momen buruk itu, saudara korban bernama Suti pun sempat merekamnya. Diakui Suti, saat itu Kartini sudah kesakitan karena vaginanya bengkak dan mengaku tak kuat.

Tak tega, Suti dan keluarga pun meminta agar Kartini melahirkan dengan cara caesar saja.

Namun alih-alih digubris, pihak bidan justru memaksa agar Kartini melahirkan normal.
"Awalnya vagina (Kartini) bengkak. Saya bilang ke tiga suster 'bu sudah bu sesar saja kasihan'," ungkap Suti. Di momen itu, Tarsun turun melihat detik-detik istrinya melahirkan.

Menyaksikan istrinya kesakitan dan ditolak melahirkan caesar, Tarsun ngeri. Terlebih saat itu Tarsun melihat alat vital istrinya digunting secara dalam oleh bidan. Hal tersebut membuat vagina Kartini bercucuran darah.
Kala itu juga bayi Kartini telah keluar setengah. Alih-alih menyelamatkan sang bayi, bidan justru langsung memotong tali pusar bayi Kartini.

Lalu ada hal yang paling membuat Tarsun sesak.
Yakni saat melihat bidan menekan perut Kartini dengan keras. Selain itu, Tarsun juga sempat menyaksikan momen bidan menarik paksa kepala bayi yang baru keluar setengah di jalur lahir.

"Jadi nariknya (bayi) enggak pelan-pelan. Perut istri saya ditekan langsung ditarik," ungkap Tarsun.

Atas kejadian tersebut, sang bayi pun langsung meninggal dunia.
Selang 15 menit kemudian, Kartini turut wafat.

Bidan Kena Imbas
Terkait kejadian yang tengah viral tersebut, pihak rumah sakit akhirnya bersuara. Mengurai ucapan duka cita, Direktur Utama RSUD MA Sentot Patrol, dr Ndaru mengungkap fakta versinya.
Menurut dr Ndaru, pihaknya telah menangani proses melahirkan dengan SOP yang tepat.

Diungkap dr Ndaru, pihak rumah sakit sudah melakukan usaha maksimal untuk menyelamatkan Kartini dan bayinya. Namun karena ada kelainan PB, maka Kartini dan bayinya tak bisa selamat.

Curhatan pilu seorang suami yang ngeri melihat prosesi istrinya melahirkan hingga meninggal dunia. Suami bernama Tarsun itu terima dengan perlakukan bidan yang menangani istrinya saat melahirkan (kolase Instagram)

"Kita akan melakukan evaluasi, tujuannya untuk menekan angka kematian ibu dan bayi, termasuk pelayanan juga," ungkap dr Ndaru.
Tak lantas menerima penjelasan dari pihak rumah sakit, Tarsun sekeluarga langsung membuat laporan polisi ke Polres Indramayu. Tarsun melaporkan rumah sakit atas kasus dugaan malpraktik.

Kini, laporan Tarsun telah masuk dan diselidiki pihak kepolisian.

Kapolres Indramayu AKBP M Fahri Siregar menyebut dalam waktu dekat pihaknya akan memanggil pihak terkait.

Termasuk pihak bidan yang membantu persalinan Kartini.
"Minggu depan kita akan memanggil para saksi terutama dari pihak UPTD, termasuk bidan yang menangani persalinan," ujar AKBP M Fahri Siregar.

Husband's account of horror when he saw his wife give birth to death, the baby did not survive, the midwife was affected

The look of sadness was clearly visible on Tarsun's face when he told the story of the moment his wife and first child died. 

This 30-year-old man from Kandanghaur District, Indramayu Regency, West Java apparently never thought that his wife, Kartini (23), would leave him forever. The reason is, Tarsun actually believes that his life will become happier after the arrival of his first child, who was carried by Kartini for nine months. 
But unfortunately, bad luck befell Kartini and her baby. 

Just a few minutes into giving birth, Kartini was declared dead. 

Even the baby born to Kartini died immediately after being expelled from the mother's womb. 
Due to this incident, Tarsun was angry and blamed the midwife who handled Kartini's birth at the MA Sentot Hospital, Patrol on Tuesday (19/12/2023). 
According to Tarsun, his wife and children can do it as long as they are handled properly. 

Chronology of Kartini's Birth
Not accepting the death of his wife and baby, Tarsun also reported the MA Sentot Hospital for a case of suspected malpractice. To the media crew, Tarsun told the moment his wife gave birth. 

Initially, Tarsun took his wife to the Kertawinangun Community Health Center to give birth. 
However, the Community Health Center requested that Kartini be taken to the MA Sentot Patrol Hospital. 

Without thinking, Tarsun immediately took Kartini to the hospital. Upon arrival, Kartini was not immediately treated. 

Even for 2 to 3 hours, Kartini was ignored by hospital staff. 
"Until Sentot (hospital) (Kartini) was not treated. It took 2-3 hours before he was treated at around 20.00 WIB, which was also short," said Tarsun as reported by from Tribun Jabar, Thursday (21/12/2023). 

Viral video of emotional atmosphere in the mortuary at MA Sentot Patrol Hospital Indramayu, West Java because a mother and her baby died after being suspected of being victims of malpractice. (Instagram collage) It was only at around 21.00 WIB that Kartini was given treatment. 

At that time, Kartini's condition was already in pain. 
Regarding this bad moment, the victim's brother, Suti, also recorded it. Suti admitted that at that time Kartini was already in pain because her vagina was swollen and admitted that she couldn't stand it. 

Not having the heart, Suti and her family asked that Kartini give birth by caesarean section. 

However, instead of being ignored, the midwife actually insisted that Kartini give birth normally. "At first (Kartini's) vagina was swollen. I said to the three nurses, 'Ma'am, I've had a cesarean, I'm sorry'," said Suti. 
At that moment, Tarsun came down to see the moment his wife gave birth. 

Watching his wife in pain and being denied a caesarean birth, Tarsun was horrified. Moreover, at that time Tarsun saw his wife's vital organs being cut deeply by the midwife. This made Kartini's vagina bleed. At that time, Kartini's baby was half born. Instead of saving the baby, the midwife immediately cut Kartini's baby's umbilical cord. 

Then there was the thing that made Tarsun most breathless. 
Namely when he saw the midwife pressing Kartini's stomach hard. 
Apart from that, Tarsun also witnessed the moment the midwife forcibly pulled the head of the baby which was only half out of the birth canal. 

"So I didn't pull (the baby) slowly. My wife's stomach was pressed and immediately pulled," said Tarsun. 

Due to this incident, the baby immediately died. 15 minutes later, Kartini also died. 

Midwives Affected
Regarding the incident that was going viral, the hospital finally spoke out. Elaborating on his condolences, the Main Director of the MA Sentot Patrol Hospital, Dr Ndaru, revealed his version of the facts. According to Dr Ndaru, his party had handled the birthing process with appropriate SOPs. 

Dr Ndaru revealed that the hospital had made maximum efforts to save Kartini and her baby. However, because there was a PB disorder, Kartini and her baby could not survive. 

The sad story of a husband who was horrified to see the procession of his wife giving birth until she died. The husband named Tarsun received the treatment of the midwife who handled his wife during childbirth (Instagram collage)

"We will carry out an evaluation, the aim is to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, including services as well," said Dr Ndaru. 
Not immediately receiving an explanation from the hospital, Tarsun and his family immediately made a police report to the Indramayu Police. 
Tarsun reported the hospital for a case of suspected malpractice. 

Now, Tarsun's report has been submitted and is being investigated by the police. 

Indramayu Police Chief AKBP M Fahri Siregar said that in the near future his party would summon the relevant parties. 

Including the midwife who helped Kartini give birth. "Next week we will summon witnesses, especially from the UPTD, including the midwife who handled the birth," said AKBP M Fahri Siregar. 

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