Pro Kontra Wisuda TK-SMA Ditiadakan: Setuju Nggak?

Pro Kontra Wisuda TK-SMA Ditiadakan: Setuju Nggak?

Di media sosial ramai warganet meminta prosesi wisuda sekolah TK hingga SMA ditiadakan. Wisuda cukup digelar untuk yang sudah lulus kuliah saja. Setuju atau nggak nih detikers? Silakan sampaikan suara detikers dengan klik pilihan Pro-Kontra di bawah ya!

Dilihat detikEdu dalam unggahan Instagram Mendikbud Nadiem Makarim, ada warganet yang mengeluhkan demikian:

Tolong Pak Nadiem sekarang dihapuskan acara Wisuda dari TK - SMA karena hanya memberatkan biaya para orang tua... Wisuda hanya untuk lulusan Universitas aja bukan dari TK...trs juga masuk SD jangan dipersulit kaya sekarang lah.... Kembalikan kaya ke zaman dulu... Masuk SD SMP SMA Negeri berdasarkan Nilai bukan berdasarkan umur atau zona dulu... Orang tua jangan dibikin susah 😊😊🙏

Rata-rata yang mendukung keluhan warganet itu mengeluhkan bahwa wisuda dari TK-SMA hanya buang-buang uang. Namun ada pula yang mendukung diadakannya wisuda hanya di tingkat SMA mengingat tak semua siswa akan melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi.

SETUJUUU tp ada baiknya kalau wisuda SMA/SMK tetap diadakan karna saya mewakili anak anak yg tidak bisa melanjutkan ke universitas pasti sangat kecewa dan sedih dikarenakan tidak akan pernah bisa merasakan wisuda jikalau wisuda SMA/SMK dihapus,mungkin dengan adanya tabungan wisuda yg diadakan oleh pemerintah dpt membantu meringankan beban uang yg ditanggung oleh orang tua🙏

Ada pula yang menimpali kalau urusan wisuda itu adalah masalah persetujuan orangtua dan komite sekolah masing-masing, tidak perlu sampai Menteri yang ikut turun tangan.

Nah, menurut detikers bagaimana? Setuju nggak wisuda TK hingga SMA dihilangkan? Ayo coba suarakan pendapat hingga kegelisahan kamu ya di fitur komentar Pro Kontra di bawah ini.

Pros and Cons of Kindergarten-High School Graduation Abolished: Don't You Agree? 

On social media, many netizens have asked for the kindergarten to high school graduation procession to be abolished. Graduation is only held for those who have graduated from college. Do you agree or not, detikers? Please convey the voice of the detikers by clicking on the Pro-Con choices below! 

Seen by detikEdu in the Instagram upload of the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, there are netizens who complain about this:

Please Mr. Nadiem now abolish the Graduation Ceremony from Kindergarten - High School because it only burdens parents' costs... Graduation is only for University graduates, not from Kindergarten...and also going to Elementary School, don't make it difficult for you like you are now... Bring back the riches to the past Formerly... Enter SD, SMP, SMA Negeri based on grades, not based on age or zone first... Don't make it difficult for parents 😊😊🙏

On average, those who support netizens' complaints complain that graduation from Kindergarten-High School is just a waste of money. However, there are also those who support holding graduation only at the high school level considering that not all students will continue their education to tertiary institutions. 

AGREE, but it's good if high school/vocational high school graduations are still held because I represent children who can't go on to university, they will be very disappointed and sad because they will never be able to experience graduation if high school/vocational high school graduations are abolished, maybe with the graduation savings held byThe government can help ease the debt burden borne by parents

There were also those who said that graduation matters were a matter of approval from the parents and respective school committees, there was no need for the Minister to intervene. 

So, what do detikers think? Do you agree that graduation from kindergarten to high school is eliminated? Come on, try to voice your opinion to your anxiety in the Pros and Cons comment feature below. 

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