Kasus Sifils di Kota Bandung Tertinggi se-Jabar, Masyarakat Harus Waspada

Kasus Sifils di Kota Bandung Tertinggi se-Jabar, Masyarakat Harus Waspada

 -- Masyarakat Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, perlu mewaspadai terhadap penyakit sifilis atau raja singa. Pasalnya, Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Jawa Barat (Jabar), angka kasus sifilis atau raja singa tertinggi ada di Kota Bandung. Hal ini diketahui berdasarkan data skrining penyakit sifilis pada 2018-2022.

Menurut Kepala Bidang P2P Dinkes Jabar, Rochady HS Wibawa, skrining ini dilakukan di beberapa area tertentu di kabupaten dan kota yang ada di Jabar. Hasilnya, Kota Bandung tergolong paling tinggi kasus raja singa. 

"Di Kota Bandung untuk pemeriksaan dilakukan di sekitar 29.552 pemeriksaan itu hasilnya memang 830 orang positif sifilis. Wilayah lain kita adakan pemeriksaan, cuma angkanya fluktuatif sesuai dengan jumlah kepadatan penduduk, Kota Bandung paling tinggi," ujar Rochady, Sabtu (10/6/2023). 

Rochady mengatakan, skrining dilakukan di Kota Bandung dan beberapa wilayah lainnya di Jabar baru di beberapa lokasi tertentu. Artinya, jika skrining dilakukan secara menyeluruh, kasus yang ditemukan bisa lebih banyak dibanding data saat ini. 

"Kota Bandung tergolong tinggi angkanya, paling tinggi. Tapi kan kalau kalau dilihat ini aktifnya di area lokalisasi. Kalau dilakukan (skrining) menyeluruh ke setiap rumah, ini angkanya bisa lebih tinggi," ujarnya. 

Untuk di wilayah lain, kata dia, seperti Kota Depok yang tergolong masuk dalam daerah metropolitan. Kasus positif sifilis yang ditemukan, tergolong sedikit. Angkanya bisa dikatakan lebih rendah dibandingkan Kota Bandung. 

"Depok dari 10.713 yang diperiksa hanya 3, Bekasi dari 8.548 itu 53. Kalau masalah tergolong kecil atau besar itu tergantung jumlah responden yang kita periksa," katanya. 

Rochady menegaskan, penanganan penyakit kelamin Raja Singa ini terus dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat, Pemprov Jabar, dan kabupaten kota. Menurutnya, obat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini juga telah tersedia di puskesmas masing-masing daerah tinggal masyarakat datang dan berobat. 

"Obat tidak masalah di Puskesmas sudah ada, di RS juga ada. Kami di puskesmas sudah ada dengan sesuai dengan SOP karena kalau lihat data dari 3.188 yang tercatat itu yang berobat masih sekitar 1.570 orang," katanya. 

Berdasarkan data Kemenkes, Provinsi Jabar nomor dua kasus tertinggi sifilis. Hal ini diketahui berdasarkan hasil testing yang massif sejak 2018-2022. Tercatat ada 305.816 testing di Jabar, ditemukan 3.186 kasus positif sifilis, kemudian ada 1.500 di antaranya mendapatkan pengobatan.

Syphilis cases in Bandung are the highest in West Java, people must be vigilant

-- The people of Bandung City, West Java, need to be aware of syphilis or lion king disease. This is because the West Java (West Java) Health Service (Dinkes), the highest number of cases of syphilis or lion king is in the city of Bandung. This is known based on syphilis screening data in 2018-2022. 

According to the Head of the West Java Health Office's P2P Division, Rochady HS Wibawa, this screening was carried out in certain areas in districts and cities in West Java. As a result, the city of Bandung has the highest number of cases of lion kings. 

"In the city of Bandung, around 29,552 examinations were carried out, the results were indeed 830 people positive for syphilis. We will carry out tests in other areas, only the numbers fluctuate according to the total population density, the city of Bandung is the highest," said Rochady, Saturday (10/6/2023 ). 

Rochady said screening was carried out in the city of Bandung and several other areas in West Java at certain locations. This means that if screening is carried out thoroughly, more cases will be found than the current data. 

"The city of Bandung has a high number, the highest. But if you look at it, it's active in the localization area. If a thorough (screening) is done for every house, this number could be even higher," he said. 

For other areas, he said, such as Depok City, which is classified as a metropolitan area. The positive cases of syphilis found were relatively small. The figure can be said to be lower than the city of Bandung. 

"Only 3 were examined in Depok out of 10,713, 53 out of 8,548 in Bekasi. If the problem is classified as small or large it depends on the number of respondents we examined," he said. 

Rochady emphasized that the handling of the Lion King's venereal disease continues to be carried out by the central government, the West Java Provincial Government and city districts. According to him, medicine to cure this disease is also available at the puskesmas in each area where people live and come and seek treatment. 

"There is no problem at the Puskesmas, there are also hospitals. We at the Puskesmas are in accordance with the SOP because if you look at the data from the 3,188 who were recorded, there were still around 1,570 people seeking treatment," he said. 

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, West Java Province has the second highest case of syphilis. This is known based on the results of massive testing from 2018-2022. There were 305,816 tests recorded in West Java, 3,186 positive cases of syphilis were found, then 1,500 of them received treatment. 

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