Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923) was a German physicist who is best known for his discovery of X-rays in 1895

Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923) was a German physicist who is best known for his discovery of X-rays in 1895

He was born in Lennep (now part of Remscheid) in the Rhine Province of Germany. Röntgen studied mechanical engineering at the Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, and then went on to study #physics at the University of Zurich.

Röntgen worked at various universities throughout his career, including the University of Strasbourg, the University of Hohenheim, and the University of Würzburg. It was while working at the University of Würzburg that Röntgen made his most famous discovery.

In 1895, Röntgen was experimenting with cathode rays, which are streams of electrons emitted from a negatively charged electrode in a vacuum tube. He noticed that when he passed the rays through a thin sheet of metal, a fluorescent screen placed nearby lit up. He realized that some unknown radiation was being emitted from the cathode ray tube.

After several weeks of experiments, Röntgen discovered that the radiation was able to penetrate solid objects, including human tissue. He called this radiation "X-rays," and his discovery revolutionized medicine and physics. X-rays are now used for a wide range of purposes, including medical imaging, scientific research, and industrial applications.

For his discovery of X-rays, Röntgen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. He continued to work in physics until his death in 1923, at the age of 77.

Wilhelm Rôntgen (1845-1923) adalah seorang ahli fisika Jerman yang terkenal karena penemuan sinar-X pada tahun 1895. 

Dia lahir di Lennep (sekarang bagian dari Remscheid) di Provinsi Rhine, Jerman. Rontgen mempelajari teknik mesin di Institut Politeknik Federal di Zurich, Swiss, dan kemudian melanjutkan untuk mempelajari #physics di University of Zurich.
Rontgen bekerja di berbagai perguruan tinggi sepanjang kariernya, termasuk University of Stratburg, University of Hohenheim, dan University of Würenburg. Saat bekerja di Universitas Würsburg, Rohntgen membuat penemuan yang paling terkenal.
Pada tahun 1895,Rohntgen sedang bereksperimen dengan sinar katoda, yang merupakan aliran elektron yang dikeluarkan dari listrik bermuatan negatif dalam tabung vakum. Dia menyadari bahwa ketika dia melewati sinar melalui lembaran tipis logam, layar neon diletakkan di sekitarnya menyala. Dia menyadari bahwa beberapa radiasi yang tidak diketahui sedang dikeluarkan dari tabung sinar katoda.
Setelah beberapa minggu percobaan, Rontgen menemukan bahwa radiasi tersebut mampu menembus benda padat, termasuk jaringan manusia. Dia menyebut radiasi ini "sinar-X", dan penemuan ini merevolusikan pengobatan dan fisika. Sinar-X sekarang digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, termasuk pencitraan medis, penelitian ilmiah, dan aplikasi industri.
Untuk penemuan sinar-X, Rostgen mendapatkan Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisika pada tahun 1901. Dia terus bekerja di bidang fisika sampai kematiannya pada tahun 1923, pada usia 77.

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