Written in the Koran, these 6 fruits have extraordinary properties for getting rid of disease

Written in the Koran, these 6 fruits have extraordinary properties for getting rid of disease
 – The holy book Alquran not only explains the good and bad actions of Muslims, but also explains the health benefits of a number of things in this book. 

This knowledge includes the goodness of a number of fruits which have apparently been described in the Koran and apparently have extraordinary properties for the health of the human body. Scroll to read the full article below. 
Fruit Written in the Koran
The benefits of a number of fruits have apparently been written down in the Koran since ancient times. As a source for all human needs, it turns out that the Koran also lists several fruits that are good for consumption. 
The fruit that we will share below is written to have great benefits scientifically. The following are a number of fruits mentioned in the Koran that contain extraordinary health benefits, reported from various sources. Anything? 


First there are pomegranates, as stated in Surah Ar-Rahman verse: 68, the Koran talks about two gardens of heaven by saying: "In the two heavens there are fruits, dates and pomegranates."
Pomegranates are very high in vitamin C which plays a role in the formation of collagen to maintain muscles, bones and skin, as well as being a key player in iron absorption! 
Date. Photo : http://www.dubayblog.com

The next fruit is dates. This fruit is mentioned several times in the Koran and is considered a blessed food. Dates contain many nutrients such as fiber, natural sugars, vitamins and minerals, so they are good for digestion and increase energy. 
The flavonoids in dates are effective in reducing the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's and several types of cancer. The carotenoids in dates are useful for healthy the heart and preventing vision problems. Consuming dates can also help strengthen bones and be a healthier alternative sweetener than sugar. 
Figs or Figs. Photo : Viva.co.id/Anisa Widiarini

Figs are also one of the fruits mentioned in several letters of the Koran and are considered a fruit that is beneficial for health. Figs contain fiber, minerals and vitamins that help improve digestion and reduce the risk of several diseases. 
The Qur'an has a special chapter called Surah At-Tin which means Fig Fruit. 

"For the sake of fig (fruit) and olives," reads the letter At Tin verse 1. 
Figs are very high in fiber, which helps maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Figs, which in English are called fig, also contain magnesium, calcium, potassium and carotene, all of which the body needs. 

Olive oil. Photo : http://www.nemukabar.com/2014/04/minyak-zaitun-kandungan-dan-besarnya.html

In Surah Al Mu'minun verse 20, the Koran tells about the fruits that should be eaten, and talks about the olive tree growing on Mount Sinai which provides oil and spices for eating. 
Olives and olive oil are mentioned in the Koran as "blessed trees" (Surah An-Nur verse 35). Olives contain antioxidants, vitamin E, and healthy fats, which are beneficial for heart health and the immune system. 
Many people choose olive oil as a good fat choice. The fruit itself is also good as a cooking spice. Olives also have essential fatty acids which are good for heart and brain function, as well as polyphenols which have antioxidant properties. 
Banana Photo : Eat This

In surah Al-Waqiah verse 29, Allah apparently has mentioned bananas as a fruit in layers. 

"And the righteous, how blessed will they be! They will be amidst thornless lote trees, groves of bananas, broad shade, flowing water, abundant fruit, never in season, and not forbidden" (QS Al Waqiah 27-33)
The Koran makes general mention of the fruits eaten by people in paradise, and specifically mentions bananas telling us that bananas are among the blessed fruits. Bananas are a great addition to breakfast or a morning snack because they are packed with potassium, fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and folate. 
Bananas also contain several types of powerful antioxidants, including flavonoids and amines. This antioxidant has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases. 
Illustration of grapes. Photo : Pixabay

In Surah Al Mu'minun 3 verses: 19-20, the Qur'an says to its people:
"With this water we grow for you gardens of date palms and grapes, in which there is much fruit, and from which you may eat."
Grapes are very popular for their incredible benefits, due to their high antioxidant content. Grapes contain flavonoids which have been shown to be beneficial in warding off oxidative damage and have even been linked in some studies to having cancer-fighting properties. 

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First there are pomegranates, stated in Surah Ar-Rahman verse: 68, the Koran talks about two gardens of heaven by saying: "In the two heavens there are fruits, dates and pomegranates."

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