Get to know the causes of facial damage after treatment

Get to know the causes of facial damage after treatment
After facial treatment, is it damaged? Wow, it looks like there is something wrong with the procedure or product used during the treatment. Or, could this be caused by internal factors? These questions certainly make you curious. Identify the causes of facial damage after treatment by reviewing the information below. 

Through the explanation presented, you will find a definite answer to the cause of facial damage after treatment. Generally, there are several reasons why facial treatments may not provide the desired results and may even damage the skin. The reasons can be explored in the following explanation. 

Here are some common causes that cause facial damage after treatment:

1. Not suitable for skin type
Every individual has a different skin type. Skin care products that are not suitable for your skin type can cause irritation, redness, or even acne. Therefore, it is important to choose products that suit your skin type and needs. 

2. Allergic Reaction
Some people may have allergies to some chemicals or natural ingredients found in skin care products. Allergic reactions can cause itching, redness, or swelling of the skin after treatment, resulting in facial damage. 

3. Excessive product use
Using too many products with high concentrations of active ingredients can be counterproductive. Too much exfoliation or using large amounts of active ingredients like retinoids can damage the skin's natural protection. 

4. Weather Changes
Environmental factors such as weather changes can affect skin conditions. Skin may become drier or oilier depending on weather conditions. Given the uncontrolled weather, skin care products must be adapted to these changes. 

5. Noncompliance with Maintenance Routine
Consistency in your skin care routine is very important. If you often skip care steps or use the product irregularly, of course this can hinder the product's ability to provide optimal results. 

6. Simultaneous use of different products
Combining too many products with different active ingredients in a skin care routine can cause unwanted interactions and damage the skin. You must have a recipe if you want to use different products at the same time. 

7. Unprofessional Beauty Procedures
If you are undergoing a beauty procedure in a salon or clinic that is not of good quality, there may be side effects. One of the failures in treatment is also caused by lack of professional supervision, which can have a negative impact on the skin. 

8. Lack of personal hygiene
The main cause of damaged facial skin after treatment is lack of personal hygiene. Even though you have done a series of simple treatments or at a beauty clinic, internal cleanliness is very important. Cleaning your face after activities is the main thing that must be done to keep your facial skin healthy. 

That is the main cause of facial damage after treatment which is often ignored by some people. Generally, facial care is a step taken to improve the skin. If something goes wrong, it is a sign that personal care and hygiene is still not being paid attention to. Therefore, we must be careful when carrying out routine maintenance every day if we want maximum results. Avoid steps that might have a bad impact on facial skin so that the results are more optimal. 

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