5 Ways to Increase Brain Intelligence to Make You Smarter, Scientifically Proven to Increase High IQ

5 Ways to Increase Brain Intelligence to Make You Smarter, Scientifically Proven to Increase High IQ
 - Everyone is born with different levels of intelligence. 

But did you know that intelligence can also be increased through simple habits. 
There are several daily activities or habits that can increase intelligence. 

Here are 5 ways to increase your brain's intelligence to make you smarter, scientifically proven to increase your IQ. 

1. Reading
The habit of reading not only smartens the brain, but also broadens your horizons. (Pinterest)

The habit of reading not only smartens your brain, but also broadens your horizons. 
Experts have even found that reading can reduce stress, make you mentally healthier and make you feel happier. 
This feeling allows someone to have a smarter, more impressive and admirable brain. 

2. Sports
Sport does have many benefits. (emerausfitness.com)
Sport does have many benefits. 

Apart from health, regular exercise can pump blood flow to the brain well. 
Exercise will also make the body healthier, if the body is healthy it will have a big influence on brain intelligence. 

Compared to people who only work by sitting for too long, people who move a lot will be smarter. 
The brain can work faster with enough body movement every day. 

3. Meditation
Meditation is associated with better executive function and work function. (yogabasics.com)
Meditation is associated with better executive function and work function. 
Your intelligence will increase after meditating for four days. 
In a study, doing 13 minutes of meditation for 8 weeks will result in increased attention, recognition ability and increased memory. 

4. Train the brain
Brain training activities such as playing crossword puzzles, sudoku, chess, board games, card games and similar, can also increase brain intelligence. ()
Brain training activities such as playing crossword puzzles, sudoku, chess, board games, card games and the like, can also increase brain intelligence. 

People who enjoy exercising their brains have even been found to have a lower risk of depression and anxiety. 

5. Proper nutrition
Stimulation for the brain also needs to be balanced with proper nutrition. (healthspaceclinics.com.au)
Stimulation for the brain also needs to be balanced with proper nutrition. 
Several nutrients can support brain performance, such as omega 3 fatty acids, flavonoids and vitamin K. 
Omega 3 fatty acids are the main component in brain structure. 
You can get omega 3 intake from fatty fish, seaweed, avocado and nuts. 
Flavonoids are plant components that function to protect nerves. 
Flavonoids are found in berries, tea, chocolate, soybeans and seeds. 

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