Condition Patient Implanting Neuralink brain chip, Elon Musk: Able control computer mouse through his thoughts

Condition Patient Implanting Neuralink brain chip, Elon Musk: Able control computer mouse through his thoughts
Illustration of implanting a brain computer chip in a human. (Screenshot photo 

 - The first human patient implanted with a brain chip from Neuralink appears to have made a full recovery. 

Elon Musk said the patient was able to control a computer mouse using their mind. 
"Progress is good, and the patient appears to have recovered completely, with no adverse effects that we are aware of. The patient is able to move the mouse around the screen just by thinking," said Elon Musk at the Spaces event on social media X, quoted on Wednesday, February 21 2024. 
Elon Musk said Neuralink is now trying to get as many mouse button clicks as possible from patients. 

Neuralink successfully implanted a chip in its first human patient, after receiving approval for human trial recruitment in September. 

The study used a robot to surgically implant a brain-computer interface in the region of the brain that controls the intention to move. 

Neuralink added that its initial goal was to allow people to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their minds. 

Elon Musk has big ambitions for Neuralink, saying it will facilitate the surgical implantation of its chip devices to treat conditions such as obesity, autism, depression and schizophrenia. 

Neuralink, which was valued at about $5 billion last year, has faced repeated calls for scrutiny over its security protocols. 

Quoted from Reuters, it was reported last month that the Neuralink company was fined for violating US Department of Transportation regulations regarding the movement of hazardous materials.***

Ini Kondisi Pasien Tanam Chip Otak Neuralink, Elon Musk: Mampu Mengendalikan Mouse Komputer Melalui Pikiran
Ilustrasi tanam chip komputer otak di manusia. (Foto tangkapan layar

 - Pasien manusia pertama yang ditanamkan chip otak dari Neuralink tampaknya telah pulih sepenuhnya.

Elon Musk mengatakan, pasien itu mampu mengendalikan mouse komputer menggunakan pikiran mereka.

"Kemajuannya bagus, dan pasien tampaknya telah pulih sepenuhnya, tanpa efek buruk yang kami sadari. Pasien mampu menggerakkan mouse di sekitar layar hanya dengan berpikir," kata Elon Musk dalam acara Spaces di media sosial X, yang dikutip, Rabu, 21 Februari 2024.

Elon Musk mengatakan Neuralink kini berusaha mendapatkan klik tombol mouse sebanyak mungkin dari pasien.

Neuralink berhasil menanamkan chip pada pasien manusia pertamanya, setelah menerima persetujuan untuk perekrutan uji coba pada manusia pada bulan September.

Penelitian ini menggunakan robot untuk memasang implan antarmuka otak-komputer melalui pembedahan di wilayah otak yang mengontrol niat untuk bergerak.

Neuralink menambahkan bahwa tujuan awalnya adalah memungkinkan orang mengendalikan kursor komputer atau keyboard menggunakan pikiran mereka.

Elon Musk memiliki ambisi besar untuk Neuralink, dengan mengatakan bahwa Neuralink akan memfasilitasi pemasangan perangkat chipnya secara bedah untuk mengatasi kondisi seperti obesitas, autisme, depresi, dan skizofrenia.

Neuralink, yang bernilai sekitar $5 miliar tahun lalu, telah berulang kali menghadapi seruan pengawasan terkait protokol keamanannya.

Dikutip dari Reuters, melaporkan bulan lalu bahwa perusahaan Neuralink tersebut didenda karena melanggar peraturan Departemen Transportasi AS mengenai pergerakan bahan berbahaya.***

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