Ribuan Warga Banjarmasin Terserang Stroke, 714 di Antaranya Kasus Baru

Ribuan Warga Banjarmasin Terserang Stroke, 714 di Antaranya Kasus Baru

 - Stroke bukanlah suatu penyakit yang asing di tengah masyarakat. Penyakit ini menyerang pembuluh darah otak, ditandai dengan matinya jaringan otak yang diakibatkan berkurangnya aliran darah dan oksigen ke otak.

Di Banjarmasin sendiri, berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin, ada ribuan kasus stroke yang menyerang warga Banjarmasin.
“Di periode tahun 2023, dari bulan Januari sampai September 2023, ada ratusan kasus baru yang terdata,” ucap Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin, Tabiyun Huda, Selasa (10/10/2023).
Kasus baru sendiri yakni ada 714, sementara untuk kasus lama ada 1.085 kasus. “Dari semuanya, yang meninggal ada delapan orang,” ungkap Tabiyun.

Stroke sendiri biasanya menyerang secara tiba-tiba, disinyalir karena gaya hidup yang tidak sehat.
Misalnya seperti yang dialami oleh Yusriansyah, ia mengalami stroke sejak tahun 2015. Hingga kini, pria 55 tahun itu masih rutin melakukan terapi pengobatan.
“Tidak ada tanda-tanda waktu kena. Waktu itu, paginya saya mengantar istri ke sana-sini. Kemudian sesampainya di rumah, saya istirahat dan tidur. Nah pas bangun dari tidur, saya tidak bisa gerak lagi,” tutur pria yang berprofesi sebagai penjaga sekolah itu.
Namun saat itu, kakinya masih bisa bergerak. Akhirnya ia pun disuruh istrinya untuk beristirahat kembali.

Yusri kembali tidur, dan sewaktu ia bangun dari tidurnya. Yusri kaget karena tubuhnya tak bisa bergerak keseluruhan.
“Jadi selama tiga bulan saya tak bisa jalan kaki. Dibawalah pijat ke berbagai tempat sampai akhirnya bisa kembali berjalan. Ternyata waktu berobat, saya dibilang kena stroke,” katanya.

Namun, berkat ketelatenannya menjalani pengobatan, kini Yusri sudah mulai bisa berjalan. Meski begitu, ia tetap selalu melatih otot-ototnya saat menjalani fisioterapi.
Hal serupa juga dirasakan oleh Ratna. Ia terserang stroke pada tahun 2013. Selama satu tahun penuh, separuh badannya tak bisa bergerak, berbicara pun sulit.
“Awal serangan waktu saya tidur. Tiba-tiba terbangun lalu tersedak. Saat itu saya tidak bisa nafas,” ucap wanita 60 tahun itu.

Ia segera dibawa ke rumah sakit terdepat untuk dilakukan tahap perawatan medis. Saat pemeriksaan, ternyata Ratna divonis stroke.
“Tapi alhamdulillah, sekarang sudah baikan. Tapi kata dokter tidak boleh banyak pikiran, dan makanan juga harus dijaga,” tutupnya.
Kedua orang itu mengaku jarang berolahraga saat badannya masih sehat bugar. Belum lagi pola makan yang tidak terjaga. Sampai akhirnya mereka terserang penyakit stroke.

Thousands of Banjarmasin Residents Affected by Strokes, 714 of them New Cases

- Stroke is not a foreign disease in society. This disease attacks the blood vessels of the brain, characterized by the death of brain tissue due to reduced blood and oxygen flow to the brain. 

In Banjarmasin itself, based on data from the Banjarmasin City Health Service, there are thousands of stroke cases affecting Banjarmasin residents. 
"In the 2023 period, from January to September 2023, there will be hundreds of new cases recorded," said Head of the Banjarmasin City Health Service, Tabiyun Huda, Tuesday (10/10/2023). 
There were 714 new cases, while there were 1,085 old cases. "Of all of them, eight people died," said Tabiyun. 

Strokes themselves usually strike suddenly, allegedly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. 
For example, as experienced by Yusriansyah, he had a stroke since 2015. Until now, the 55 year old man still regularly undergoes medical therapy. 
“There are no signs of time hit. At that time, in the morning I took my wife here and there. Then when I got home, I rested and slept. "Well, when I woke up from sleep, I couldn't move anymore," said the man who works as a school guard. 
But at that time, his legs could still move. Finally he was told by his wife to rest again. 

Yusri went back to sleep, and when he woke up from his sleep. Yusri was shocked because his whole body couldn't move. 
“So for three months I couldn't walk. He took massages to various places until he was finally able to walk again. "It turns out that when I went for treatment, I was said to have had a stroke," he said. 

However, thanks to his persistence in undergoing treatment, Yusri is now starting to be able to walk. Even so, he still always trains his muscles when undergoing physiotherapy. 
Ratna also felt something similar. He suffered a stroke in 2013. For a whole year, half of his body could not move, and it was difficult to speak. 
“The attack started when I was sleeping. Suddenly woke up and choked. "At that time I couldn't breathe," said the 60-year-old woman. 

He was immediately taken to the nearest hospital for medical treatment. During the examination, it turned out that Ratna had been diagnosed with a stroke. 
“But thank God, now it's better. "But the doctor said you shouldn't think too much, and you should also take care of your food," he concluded. 
Both people admitted that they rarely exercised when their bodies were still in good health. Not to mention unhealthy eating patterns. Until finally they had a stroke. 

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