Cupping and Healing

"Cupping and Healing"

From Abu Hurairah RA, Rasulullah SAW said: "Whoever cupping on the 17th, 19th and 21st (Hijriyah year), then he will recover from all kinds of diseases." (Sahih Sunan Abu Dawud, II/732, by Imam al-Albani)

From Jabir al-Muqni RA, he narrated: "I will not feel healthy until cupping, because in fact I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'Indeed cupping is healing'." (Sahih Ibn Hibban (III/440))

From Ibn Umar RA, Rasulullah SAW said: "If there is a cure in your medicine, then it is in the cut of the cupping tool." He said: "Or drink honey." (Kitab Kasyful Astaar 'an Zawaa-idil Bazar, by al-Haitsami, III/388)

️ Sahih Bukhari 5264: Jabir bin Abdullah radiallahu 'anhuma once visited Muqanna' then he said; "You will not be healed until cupping, because I have heard the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Indeed there is medicine in him."

Cupper's job
From Ibn Abbas RA, the Prophet SAW said: "The best person is a cupper (Al Hajjam) because he bleeds dirty blood, relieves stiff muscles and sharpens the eyes of those who are cupped."
(Hadith Sahih. Tirmidhi, hasan gharib). 
Cupping is: a superior art, like other ways of treatment, when we apply this treatment by taking all causes well, of course Allah will send healing from His side. 

Because we only treat then Allah is the one who heals. 
Treatment is: steps taken by the healer and
Healing is: the answer that Allah gives to the efforts of the servant who really needs the help and assistance of his Lord in all his life affairs. 

Wa 081360340009

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