Watch out! Consuming these drugs can make bones brittle quickly

Consuming drugs always has a good impact on health. Moreover, if consumed long term, it can make bones become brittle quickly

- It turns out that consuming medicines always has a good impact on health. Moreover, if consumed long term, it can make bones become brittle quickly. 

This was stated by a consultant orthopedic specialist from the National Central General Hospital, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Kencana. He said that there are several types of drugs which, if consumed long term, can cause bones to become brittle more quickly. Kencana said that steroid drugs, sedatives and chemotherapy drugs can make bones quickly become brittle if consumed for a long time. 

"Steroids, drugs used for asthma, people with immune disorders, or lupus, or rheumatic pain due to inflammatory arthritis, also people who take sedatives, if long term they can make bones brittle, or other drugs that make bones brittle. cancer chemotherapy, but consume itif it's already monthly," he said, quoted from ANTARA on Tuesday (12/6/2024). 

According to him, people who frequently take such drugs need to undergo a bone density check using a Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) device to find out whether their bone density has decreased. People who take steroids and sedatives are advised to undergo bone density checks. If the results of the examination show that the bone density is normal, there is no need to undergo another examination as long as there are no complaints. 

However, if the examination shows that the bone density has decreased, the doctor, based on the severity of the bone condition, will prescribe bisphosphonate medication once a week or once a month, or provide supplements to prevent bone loss. Doctor Ifran said that such patients would be advised to undergo a bone density check every six months. 

"If the bones are in the osteopenic or soft category, we just give them supplementation, for example, giving calcium 500 milligrams to one gram per day, vitamin D3 between 1,000-2,000 international units (IU) and that's enough for the bones," he explained. 

"But, if the bones are brittle or brittle, there are tablets or infusions," added the graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. 
Doctor Ifran said that clinical bone loss is a symptom that is not felt, because the process takes a long time. The symptoms, he continued, are usually only felt when the bones have started to bend forward or the bones feel painful due to a fracture that is not caused by a serious injury but rather by lifting a heavy object. 

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