10 Ways to Get to Sleep Quickly for Insomnia Sufferers

10 Ways to Get to Sleep Quickly for Insomnia Sufferers
- 10 ways to sleep quickly for insomnia sufferers. 

Sleeping is a mandatory thing for living creatures. 
Because by sleeping, not only the body rests but also the brain and other body organ functions. 
Therefore, humans are advised to sleep 8 hours a day at night. 

So that in the morning you can wake up with a fresh body and mind. However, it is not uncommon for some people to have difficulty sleeping at night. 
So they have to find a way to sleep. How to sleep quickly

1. Do positive affirmations
Positive affirmations are an effective way to overcome insomnia naturally. Positive affirmations are a series of positive sentences that are read or said to strengthen positive thoughts and feelings. By repeating positive affirmations before bed, negative thoughts can be overcome and sleep will be more sound. Some examples of positive affirmations that can be used are "I sleep soundly and soundly every night." Later, you can say these affirmations before going to sleep with full focus on the sentences being said. 

2. Limit nap time
Please note, too many naps can disrupt sleep patterns at night, making it difficult to sleep soundly. Taking a nap can indeed provide a feeling of freshness and additional energy, especially for those who feel tired or experience lack of sleep at night. However, if you take a nap for too long or too often, it will be difficult to feel tired when night falls. 

3. Read books
Reading before bed can help relax the mind, reduce stress, and prepare the body to sleep more soundly. Reading a book before bed helps relieve muscle tension, and shifts focus from any daily problems that might interfere with sleep. Apart from that, reading books can also stimulate the imagination and provide a feeling of comfort, which in turn can improve sleep quality. 

4. Avoid smoking
Cigarettes contain nicotine, a substance that can have a stimulant effect and increase your blood pressure. 
As a result, it is difficult for your body to relax and sleep well. 
Not only that, Nicotine can also disrupt your sleep rhythm. 

5. Do a massage
Massage or relaxation  on certain areas of the body can stimulate feelings of relaxation and reduce tension. When the body relaxes, sleep will be more restful. 
Some massage techniques include gentle massage on the head, face and neck area. 
This massage can relieve tension in the head muscles and help relax. 

6. Play less with your cellphone
Cellphones can be a source of serious sleep disturbances because the blue light emitted by cellphone screens can interfere with the production of the hormone melatonin in the body. 
Therefore, reduce playing on your cellphone. 

7. Drink chamomile tea
Chamomile tea contains the compound apigenin, a compound that has a relaxant effect and can help reduce anxiety. 
By consuming chamomile tea before bed, the body will become more relaxed and sleep will be more sound. 

8. Consume valerian root
Valerian is a herbal plant that has been used since ancient times to treat sleep problems. This plant has a calming effect and can help relieve anxiety and reduce stress. 
Valerian root contains active compounds such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which plays a role in inhibiting nerve activity in the brain and central nervous system. By consuming valerian, you can feel the calming effect that makes you sleep more soundly. 

9. Exercise regularly
When we exercise, the body releases endorphins which are hormones of happiness. 
This increases serotonin production which plays a role in regulating mood and sleep. 
Not only that, exercise can also reduce anxiety and stress which often cause insomnia. 

10. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks
Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can make it difficult to sleep and disrupt sleep quality. Alcohol can affect your sleep cycle and trigger waking up in the middle of the night. In addition, alcohol consumption can also cause obstructed breathing during sleep, which can lead to more serious sleep disorders. 

Meanwhile, caffeine is a stimulant that can increase focus and energy, but can also disrupt sleep. Caffeine works by inhibiting the production of the hormone melatonin which is responsible for regulating the body's sleep and wake cycles. 

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