Tips for reducing oily skin on the face

Tips for reducing oily skin on the face
Tips for reducing oily skin on the face

A common problem that often occurs with the skin is excess oil production on the face. For some people who experience this, of course they are looking for ways to overcome it. So how do you reduce excess oil on your face correctly and effectively to avoid other skin problems? Come on, check out the tips and tricks by reviewing the explanation below. 

Excessive sebum production will cause oily facial skin. If your skin is oily, your pores will become clogged and your skin will be susceptible to skin problems such as blackheads and acne. Oily skin is generally not only caused by hormonal changes. However, it can also be caused by using inappropriate products, exposure to air conditioning that is too cold, not using moisturizer, or washing your face too often. 

These causes must be prevented in order to avoid complaints on the face which will further worsen the skin's performance. Therefore, excess oil production on the face must be reduced using the methods below. Here's how to reduce excess oil on your face correctly and effectively so you can apply it in your daily life. 

Here are easy tips to reduce excess oil on your face:

1. Choose the Right Facial Cleanser
- Use a gentle, alcohol-free facial cleanser. Avoid cleansers that are too harsh, as they can stimulate excess oil production as a response to the skin's natural defenses. 
- When choosing a facial cleanser, also pay attention to the related ingredients so that you can overcome your skin problems. 

2. Wash your face properly
- Wash your face twice a day, morning and night to remove dirt, oil and makeup residue. Use warm water, not hot water, to avoid irritating the skin. 
- Don't rub your face too hard, just use gentle movements. Apart from that, don't clean your face often so that the natural oils on your face don't get eroded and cause dry skin. 

3. Use Toner
- Toner helps balance skin pH and reduces excess oil. Choose a toner that contains ingredients such as salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) to help control oil. 
- Toner can be used to clean the face of any remaining dirt that is still attached. Toners are often recommended for oily skin to keep it hydrated. 

4. Use the Right Skin Care Products
- Use skin care products specifically designed for oily skin. These include light, non-comedogenic serums and moisturizers. 
- Avoid products that actually make your skin oilier because they will attract blackheads and acne bacteria to appear. 

5. Avoid products that contain oil
- Check the labels of skin care products and avoid those that contain oil. It's best to use oil-free products or those labeled oil-free. 
- Also avoid using oil on facial skin that easily becomes oily so that sebum production can be well controlled. 

6. Use a mud mask or clay mask
- Using a mask can also reduce excess oil production on the face. However, what is used must be a mud mask or clay mask which contains ingredients to control oil production and clean pores. 

7. Keep Makeup Equipment Clean
- For oily skin, pay attention and make sure your makeup brushes, sponges and other makeup tools are kept clean so they don't clog your pores. 
- Don't use other people's makeup equipment or even leave them dirty. 

8. Avoid Excessive Facial Touching
- When your skin is oily, avoid rubbing or touching your face too often, because it can cause irritation and increase excess oil production. 
- Also make sure your hands are always clean so that when you accidentally touch your face, there are no excessive reactions left behind. 

9. Pay attention to diet and hydration
- Eat healthy and balanced meals, and make sure to drink enough water. A healthy and good diet needs to be considered for those with oily faces. Consume foods rich in antioxidants such as fruit and vegetables and avoid eating oily and fatty foods. 
- Consuming water is also important in controlling hydration in the skin. Therefore, avoid unhealthy drinks and switch to drinking water for good body skin balance. 

Some of the methods above can be used to effectively reduce excess oil on the face. It should be noted that in controlling excess oil on your face, you must also use supportive products. For oily skin types, avoid products that will actually cause complaints or new problems with the skin. 

However, when oily skin is severe enough, immediately consult a doctor or dermatologist to get the right treatment. Avoid taboos and prohibitions that worsen skin conditions and switch to maintaining healthy and clean skin. Even by adopting a healthy lifestyle, your skin condition will also look better maintained. So, that's a piece of information about how to reduce excess oil on your face correctly and effectively. 

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