Don't panic, do this if you have a heart attack

Don't panic, do this if you have a heart attack
Dr. Bayushi Eka Putra, Sp.JP, FIHA, Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist Doctor at Eka Hospital BSD. (@TangerangNews / Rangga Agung Zuliansyah)

-Heart disease is the main cause of death. Based on data, one person dies every 34 seconds due to cardiovascular disease. 

A heart attack is a condition when the heart muscle suddenly does not receive blood flow due to obstruction of blood flow. 
This disease can cause death if not treated immediately because the heart's function is disrupted to circulate blood throughout the body. 

Heart attacks are classified as serious and dangerous diseases. Apart from death if left untreated, there are several dangerous complications that arise such as heart failure, heart rhythm disturbances or arrhythmias, cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock. 

Please note, in women complaints of heart attacks have no symptoms or are not typical. 
For first aid in case of a heart attack at home, you should always have a blood pressure monitor and aspirin available. 
"The first step is to chew 1 tablet of aspirin, then if the patient's systolic blood pressure is > 100 mmHg, Isosorbide dinitrate 5 mg can be given under the tongue," said Dr. Bayushi Eka Putra, Sp.JP, FIHA, Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist Doctor at Eka Hospital BSD, Wednesday 28 March 2024. 
Chest Pain Due to Heart Attack
Dr. Bayushi explains several symptoms of chest pain and symptoms of coronary heart disease as follows:

1.   Radiation to both arms/hands
2.   Radiation to right shoulder/arm
3.   Pain in the middle of the chest
4.   Pain worsens with activity
5.   Accompanied by cold sweat
6.   Vomiting
7.   Shortness of breath
8.   A feeling of suffocation
9.   Pain in the tooth area

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, it is important to take the following steps immediately:

1. Call Emergency Services
Immediately call the emergency number immediately to get medical assistance. 

2. Don't Delay
Don't delay or try to treat the symptoms yourself. Every second is precious during a heart attack. 

3. Take Emergency Medication (If Given)
If you or someone you know already has emergency medicine for a heart attack, such as nitroglycerin, use it as directed by your doctor. 

4. Waiting for Help
While waiting for medical help to arrive, try to stay calm and comfortable. "Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, but don't try to do heavy physical activity," said Dr. Bayushi. 

Heart Attack Diagnosis
According to Dr. Bayushi, there are several ways doctors can diagnose a heart attack, such as physical examination and assessing the heart with a stethoscope. 

Such as through an electrocardiogram (EKG) test to see heart damage if there are changes in the heart's electricity. Blood tests (cardiac enzymes) to look for heart damage and rule out a heart attack. 
"Then, coronary angiography by inserting fluid into a blood vessel using x-ray, to see the process of blood flow to the heart, is carried out if the patient's condition is stable," he explained. 

Then, a heart CT scan and cardiac MRI to determine the level of heart damage, as well as a radionuclear test to measure blood flow to the heart muscle. 
"Echocardiography (heart ultrasound) either with or without a stress test to see the location of heart damage. Chest X-ray to see if the heart is enlarged or if there is fluid in the lungs. Treadmill test to measure the response of the heart and blood vessels during activity," explained Dr. . Bayushi. 

Heart Attack Treatment
Dr. Bayushi explained that how to treat a heart attack may vary depending on the cause of the heart attack experienced. 
"Usually the doctor will perform cardiac catheterization to see the location of the blood clot, then inject a contrast agent into the blood vessels so they can see the blood flow process so that the location of the blockage is found," he explained. 

There are several medical procedures in the form of surgery that doctors perform to treat heart attacks, including:

1.   Angioplasty
Medical procedure to open blocked and narrowed coronary arteries using a balloon. 
2.   Stents
Inserting a wire mesh tube into the artery to keep it open after angioplasty. 
3.   Pacemakers
Having a pacemaker installed to help keep your heart rate normal. 
4.   Heart bypass surgery
A medical procedure involving diverting the function of damaged coronary arteries by grafting new blood vessels from other body organs. 
5.   Heart valve surgery
Medical action to replace a damaged heart valve with a healthy valve. 
6.   Heart transplant
Replacing a damaged heart with a new heart from a donor. 
7.   Administration of medication

Apart from surgical medical procedures, the doctor will prescribe medicines such as blood thinners, blood vessel widening medicines (Nitroglycerin), blood clot-busting medicines (antiplatelet and Clopidogrel), painkillers, and high blood pressure medicines (if accompanied by high blood pressure )

Heart Attack Prevention
Preventing heart attacks can be done by maintaining health and reducing the risk, such as eating nutritious food and maintaining a healthy diet and not consuming excessive alcohol. 
"Also, don't smoke, exercise regularly, manage stress and regularly check your health," explained Dr. Bayushi. 
MYCardia Eka Hospital, Center for Cardiac Arrhythmias and Interventions
Luckily, now there is MYCardia Eka Hospital as a complete heart and blood vessel service center that can handle these various problems. 

As a heart arrhythmia and electrical center, MYCardia Eka Hospital is equipped with the latest technology, one of which is frozen ablation (cryoablation). "With this technology, cardiac arrhythmia ablation can be performed more quickly and effectively," said Dr. Bayushi. 

There is also the installation of a pacemaker to treat heart arrhythmias. The team of doctors from MYCardia Eka Hospital has even recorded an achievement in successfully installing the world's smallest pacemaker, or Micra, as the latest breakthrough in the world of Indonesian medicine. 

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