Do Wet Dreams When Fasting in Ramadhan Break the Fast and Do You Have to Take a Mandatory Bath? This is the explanation

Do Wet Dreams When Fasting in Ramadhan Break the Fast and Do You Have to Take a Mandatory Bath? This is the explanation
 - Wet dreams when fasting, whether in the month of Ramadan or sunnah fasting, do they invalidate the fast and do you have to take a mandatory bath? 

Wet dreams while fasting are sometimes experienced by people who are taking a nap. 
What is the law? Does it break the fast? 
As is known, one of the things that breaks fasting is intentionally releasing semen. 

So, what if you have a wet dream during the day during Ramadan fasting? 
In the Fiqh Material by Dr (C) Tgk.Bustamam Usman, SHI, MA, it is explained that the ulama determined that wet dreams during the day during Ramadan fasting do not invalidate the fast, quoted from 
The reason is that wet dreams or ihtilam are the body's normal and natural response to hormonal changes. 
Wet dreams resulting from napping during Ramadan fasting are not considered invalid because the person sleeping will not be able to control their dreams. 

Rasulullah SAW himself once said that the deeds of a sleeping person will not be recorded until he wakes up again. Here's what it says,
رُفِعَ اْلقَلَمُ عَنْ ثَلَاثٍ عَنْ النّائِمِ حَتّى يَسْتَيْقِظُ و God willing غَ

Meaning: "The pen for recording deeds is lifted (the deeds are not recorded) for three people: a crazy person until he is sane, a sleeping person until he wakes up, and a small child until he reaches maturity (adult)," (HR An Nasa'i, Abu Daud, and Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah). 

Meanwhile, quoted from the book Is My Fast Cancel? (Rumah Fiqh, 2019) by Ustaz Muhammad Saiyid Mahadzir, according to the majority of scholars, especially the Syafii school of thought, wet dreams do not invalidate fasting. 
The legal basis for wet dreams during fasting is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW regarding matters that invalidate fasting. 
The Prophet said: Three things do not break the fast: Cupping, vomiting and dreaming (until sperm comes out). (HR. At-Tirmizi). 
ILLUSTRATION Fasting - Wet dreams when fasting, whether in the month of Ramadan or sunnah fasting, do they break the fast and do you have to take a mandatory shower? (

Do Wet Dreams When Fasting Require Bathing? 

To continue fasting after a wet dream, one is not required to undertake a mandatory bath. 
This is as quoted from Bidayatul Mujtahid Wa Nihayatul Muqtashid by Ibnu Rushd, the majority of fiqh scholars agree that the purity of jinabat is not included as a condition for the validity of fasting. 
This foundation is based on the habits of the Prophet SAW as told by Aisyah and Umm Salamah. They said,

قَدْ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يُدْرِكُهُ الْفَجْر ُ فِى رَمَضَانَ وَهُوَ جُنُبٌ مِنْ غَيْرِ حُلُمٍ فَيَغْتَسِلُ وَيَص ُومُ. 

Meaning: "Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad SAW once had great hadas (junub) at dawn in the month of Ramadan because he had sexual intercourse that night, not because of a dream. And he fasted (without washing before dawn).”

However, bathing must be done in order to be able to carry out other acts of worship in the month of Ramadan. For example, praying, reading the Koran and so on. (*)

Mimpi Basah saat Berpuasa Ramadhan Apakah Membatalkan Puasa dan Harus Mandi Wajib? Ini Penjelasannya
 - Mimpi basah saat berpuasa baik di bulan Ramadhan ataupun puasa sunnah apakah membatalkan puasa dan apakah harus mandi wajib?

Mimpi basah saat sedang berpuasa kadang dialami orang yang sedang istirahat tidur siang.
Bagaimana hukumnya? Apakah membatalkan puasa.
Seperti diketahui, salah satu perkara yang membatalkan puasa yaitu keluar air mani dengan sengaja.

Lantas, bagaimana jika mimpi basah di siang hari saat puasa Ramadhan?
Dalam Materi Fikih oleh Dr (C) Tgk.Bustamam Usman, SHI, MA dijelaskan bahwa para ulama menetapkan bahwa mimpi basah pada siang hari saat puasa Ramadhan tidak membatalkan puasa, dikutip dari
Pasalnya, mimpi basah atau ihtilam sendiri merupakan respons normal dan alami tubuh terhadap perubahan hormonal.
Mimpi basah akibat tidur siang pada puasa Ramadhan dianggap tidak membatalkan karena orang yang tidur tidak akan mampu mengendalikan mimpinya.

Rasulullah SAW sendiri pernah bersabda mengenai amalan seorang yang tidur tidak akan dicatat hingga dirinya kembali terbangun. Berikut bunyinya,

رُفِعَ اْلقَلَمُ عَنْ ثَلَاثٍ عَنْ النّائِمِ حَتّى يَسْتَيْقِظُ وَعَنِ اْلمَجْنُوْنِ حَتّى يُفِيْقَ وَعَنِ الصَّبِىِّ حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ

Artinya: “Pena catatan amal itu diangkat (tidak dicatat amalnya) untuk tiga orang: orang gila hingga dia waras, orang tidur hingga dia bangun, dan anak kecil hingga dia baligh (dewasa),” (HR An Nasa’i, Abu Daud, dan Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah).

Sementara itu, dikutip dari buku Batalkah Puasa Saya? (Rumah Fiqih, 2019) karya Ustaz Muhammad Saiyid Mahadzir, menurut mayoritas ulama, khususnya mazhab Syafii menyebut, mimpi basah tidaklah membatalkan puasa.

Adapun sandaran hukum mimpi basah ketika puasa ini berdasarkan hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW perihal perkara yang membatalkan puasa.
Sabda Nabi: Tiga hal yang tidak membuat batal orang yang berpuasa: Berbekam, muntah dan mimpi (hingga keluar mani). (HR. At-Tirmizi).
ILUSTRASI Puasa - Mimpi basah saat berpuasa baik di bulan Ramadhan ataupun puasa sunnah apakah membatalkan puasa dan apakah harus mandi wajib?(

Apakah Mimpi Basah saat Puasa Harus Mandi Wajib?

Untuk melanjutkan puasa setelah mimpi basah, seseorang tidak diharuskan untuk melaksanakan mandi wajib.
Hal ini seperti dikutip dari Bidayatul Mujtahid Wa Nihayatul Muqtashid karya Ibnu Rusyd, mayoritas ulama fiqih sepakat bahwa suci dari jinabat bukanlah termasuk sebagai syarat sahnya puasa.
Landasan ini didasarkan dari kebiasaan Rasulullah SAW yang dikisahkan oleh Aisyah dan Ummu Salamah. Mereka berkata,

قَدْ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يُدْرِكُهُ الْفَجْرُ فِى رَمَضَانَ وَهُوَ جُنُبٌ مِنْ غَيْرِ حُلُمٍ فَيَغْتَسِلُ وَيَصُومُ.

Artinya: “Sesungguhnya Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah berhadas besar (junub) pada waktu Subuh di bulan Ramadhan karena malamnya melakukan hubungan badan, bukan karena mimpi. Dan beliau berpuasa (tanpa mandi sebelum fajar).”
Kendati demikian, mandi wajib harus dilakukan agar bisa melaksanakan ibadah lainnya di bulan Ramadhan. Misalnya, salat, baca Al-Qur'an dan seterusnya. (*)

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